"Where Have You Been?" A Little Catch Up...

Hello again everyone!

Oh it's lovely to be blogging again, I've really missed doing this.
As you may already know if you follow me on instagram (@fiyinfofo), I took some time off to focus on "life". There were some major changes in my living arrangements, education and more so it's been a little bit of a roller coaster however I'm back online now and full of ideas for videos and posts to create.

I am still working on improving the quality of my videos (both equipment and editing wise) but I don't want to have to keep putting off filming because of it so please bear with me in the meantime.

Ahhh, I can't wait to get started! 
Especially because we're in my favourite season of Autumn.

Thank you to everyone who asked after me during this time. You've been a real encouragement.

Take Care and God Bless,

Fofo x

Like my gele (headtie)? The first one I've ever tied. 
I need practice!



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