I need to first give a huge thank you to Renee for giving me the opportunity to write for MissAllNations.com and putting up with my shenanagins ;)
Please check out the website for more beauty tips and advice from women of every skintone,
for women of every skintone.
Please check out the website for more beauty tips and advice from women of every skintone,
for women of every skintone.
No, I'm not talking about raves; but a brand new makeup technique that's quickly taken over our Instagram feeds.
Some of you may have seen this picture of Kim K next to a model who used Strobing instead of the tried and true highlighting and contouring we know and love.
And that's basically what strobing is meant to do; eliminate the need to contour.
It's achieved by using a highlighter (in most cases, a shimmery one) on specific areas of the face to make them look more lifted.
Anything new? Nope. We're just now labelling a technique people have been doing for years but that's not to say it's ineffective.
After reading up on it, I realised that I "strobe" on a daily basis; so I thought it'd be cool to share some of my techniques and the affordable products I use to achieve that "strobed out" complexion.
1. Browbone
2. Forehead
3. Inner Tearduct Area
4. Bridge of Nose
5. Top of Cheekbones
6. Cupids Bow
7. Chin
Look familiar? Like I said, it's nothing new but for hype's sake, let me show you how to get your glow on!
Watch the video below to see how I achieved this look.
To read more and for a list of products used, check out my article at www.missallnations.com!
Take Care and God Bless,
Fofo x
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